Two webinars on special issues concerning Finnish labour market

TJS Opintokeskus is giving out two webinars on the Finnish labour market, namely on how to get a permission to work in Finland and on what determines the rights of an employee.
These webinars are free of charge and are transmitted through Teams. If you are interested in participating, please let us know your email address and we will send you a link to Teams. To participate to the first webinar, let us know your interest before April 25th.
Who has the right to live and work in Finland
Webinar takes place 2024 May 23rd at 5-6 p.m. in Teams
This webinar is targeted to students or employees, who wish to position themselves in Finnish labour market. The lecture is informative to all international students or employees but is especially useful for those who come outside EU.
You will learn about the rules and regulations governing how to enter the labour market and how to stay there. It is easier for the EU-citizens to come to work in Finland, because of the EU labor legislation. If you move to Finland from outside EU, you need a visa and a work permission to get employed here. Often the company you work for takes care of these. But sometimes you need to take into action yourself. Typical situations, where you need to know what to do are:
- If you wish to change your status from a student to an employee
- When changing your job
- If you separate/divorce from your spouse, and your permission to stay and work in Finland was issued on him/her
Attending this webinar will give you useful insight on how to act.
Trainer in this webinar is Hanna Laari, executive lawyer and Licensed Legal Counsel at The Refugee Advice Centre
What determines the rights of an employee or employer in Finland
Webinar takes place 2024 June 4th at 5-6 p.m. in Teams
This webinar is for anyone needing a deeper insight into Finnish labour market. Just this spring there have been some strikes going on about who and how determines the rights to agree or disagree on labour regulations. This training is an excellent chance to know more.
In many countries basic rules of the labour market are determined by laws. In Finland labour laws are in many cases somewhat basic in nature and more specific rules come from collective agreements. These agreements can apply for one company or governmental organization only or they may apply for the whole sector and all its working places.
In most cases collective agreement is the source from which we get answers to questions like: how much vacation am I entitled for, what happens if I get sick, how much is my weekly working time and many more.
In this webinar you will learn who makes these collective agreements and how.
Trainer in this webinar is Daniel Valtakari, senior adviser at the trade union Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK)
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