
What determines the rights of an employee or employer in Finland

Ilmoittaudu koulutukseen



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Targer group: This webinar is for anyone needing a deeper insight into Finnish labour market. Just this spring there have been some strikes going on about who and how determines the rights to agree or disagree on labour regulations. This training is an excellent chance to know more.


Aim: You will know where the answers come to questions like: how much vacation am I entitled for, what happens if I get sick, how much is my weekly working time and many others more.


Description of this education:

In many countries basic rules of the labour market are determined by laws. In Finland labour laws are in many cases somewhat basic in nature and more specific rules come from collective agreements. These agreements can apply for one company or governmental organization only or they may apply for the whole sector and all its working places.
In most cases collective agreement is the source from which we get answers to questions like: how much vacation am I entitled for, what happens if I get sick, how much is my weekly working time and many more.

In this webinar you will learn who makes these collective agreements and how.

Enroll (Ilmoittaudu koulutukseen) -button on this page will take you to a registration form, that is in Finnish. If you wish to enroll in English, use this link (you will have to copy-paste it to your browser): https://forms.office.com/e/a80X7YfnTv




16.50 On-line classroom opens up
17.00 Webinar begins
18.00 Webinar comes to an end


Daniel Valtakari

Dr Daniel Valtakari is a senior adviser at Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK. He has broad experience in personnel representation on company level and European Union level. He is well familiar with trade unions and their work.

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